When thinking of a building, the first things that come to mind are hard lines and geometric, block-like shapes. It is surprising, then, that some of the most artistic and innovative architectural buildings are those which were designed to resemble a flower. Here at McNamara Florist we have pulled together a list of some of the most striking flower-inspired buildings that will leave you amazed.
Wuhan. Wuhan New Energy Centre. Photo: Soeters Van Eldonk
Calla Lily
Wuhan, China
The noble Calla Lily was the design inspiration for one of the most sustainable buildings in the world. The Wuhan Energy Flower Building is the home base for Wuhan’s Energy Center which is dedicated to the research and development of new energy sources. It’s only fitting that this building is extremely energy efficient as it releases zero carbon emissions. The circular “petal” roof sits at an angle in order to provide shade for the offices located below during the summer. The round surface of the roof is covered with solar panels to catch and store energy provided by the sun. The roof also accumulates rainwater to supply water to the bathrooms and greenery. In the “pistil” are wind turbines to harness the energy of the wind. At the base of the flower structure are the research labs housed in buildings shaped like leaves. The goal of this design was to create a building that utilized new energy sources, and constructing one shaped like a flower made it happen.
Lotus Blossom
Lotus Temple, Dehli
Lotus Temple view from above
New Delhi, India
Shaped like a lotus blossom flower, this structure is visited by more than four million people every year. Officially titled the Baha’i House of Worship, this temple is open to all faiths, religions, and races. Per their teachings, no sculptures, pictures, or carvings of any idols are permitted. There are no priests or religious ceremonies performed here either. For decoration, the architect skillfully uses the play of light and water as it bounces off the inside of the dome. The outside of the structure is clad in white marble as is the floor of the lobby inside. The dome interior has 54 ribs that resemble the shape of a lotus blossom. At the summit of the dome are skylights that match what a lotus blossom’s interior would like as the sunlight enters it. Encompassing the structure are reflecting pools in the shape of a lotus blossom leaves. The pools not only provide cool air which flows through the temple but also the illusion that The Lotus Blossom temple is floating on water.
Lotus Inspired Conference Center in Wujin, China
Wujin Lotus Conference Center
Wujin, China
One of three buildings designed after the lotus blossom, this one shows the lotus flower as it is fully blossomed. The other two represent the lotus as a bud and as a ripe flower.
Magnolia-like Qizhong Tennis Center
Qizhong Tennis Center
This massive sports center has 8 large “leaves” made of steel that opens and closes per weather conditions. As the roof opens, it is meant to symbolize the blossoming of the magnolia flower.